ColumnUltrasonic Sealers 2024/02/26
A Connecting Machine for laundry guide tape with flat work iron machine
We introduce a useful Ultrasonic machine to connect ironer guide tapes of flat ironer machine, Ultrasonic dot-line sealer L-QP-01.
Instead of using a handheld sewing machine or hand tying, you can use the ultrasonic machine to join the tapes together. Ultrasonic dot-line sealer L-QP-01 welds and sticks ironer guide tapes together within a second.
We have received inquiries and orders from various countries as an commercial laundry equipment used for flat work iron machine.
-It welds while drawing dot lines and is safe because it does not use a needle or thread.
-It is not a heat sealer, there is no risk of burns.
-It is easy to use, just grip and slide. Anyone can use it.
-The seam is flat and leaves no residue on the linens.
How to use
1.Turn on the power switch of the main unit.
2.Grip the handpiece.
3.Slide the handpiece while gripping it.
【Product detail】
Ultrasonic dot-line sealer L-QP-01
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