ColumnUltrasonic Sealers 2020/03/25

[column] Safety food packaging to prevent the spread of infectious diseases

In Japan, it is a common style at supermarkets that customers chose prepared foods and put packages by themselves to the checkout.
un-packed food

However, many supermarkets change this style recently to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
These stores pack all each dish to avoid transmission of the infectious disease.
packed food

Generally, viruses or infectious diseases transmitted by droplet transmission which caused coughs and sneezes and contact infection which touch the nose and mouth with a hand having the virus.
Supermarkets cook prepared food at their clean kitchen but once they display the dishes to sell in the store, the dishes are not protected if they are not packed.
If a customer does not wear masks have a cough or sneeze in the store or touches the food accidentally, the virus can be transmitted to the other customers via food.
viruses or infectious diseases

Packing food with ultrasonic welder QUPPA is one of the ways to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
QUPPA can seal plastic food packages easily.
The machine seals a point just a few seconds and you do not need tapes, staples, and the other consumption materials.

QUPPA protects food safety.
A package sealed with QUPPA cannot close again once it is opened.
You can know it at a glance if someone bad opens the package.
opened package

QUPPA is used for takeaway food also.
You can prevent the lid from opening by sealing with QUPPA.
Especially, it is good for food delivery service which sometimes food containers are open and spilled out when the driver reaches the customer’s house or office.
take away sushi

Product details: Ultrasonic point sealer QUPPA (QP-01)


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